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US-Mexico border near Brownsville, TX and Matamoros , Mexico

Riparian: relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (such as a river) or sometimes of a lake or a tidewater

Situated along the Rio Grande, Riparian acts as a new international city, unifying the U.S. and Mexico. It is designed to relieve the overcrowding in Brownsville and Matamoros as a result of the new Space X facility.

The city utilizes a high-density design to provide an equitable, innovative, and high-tech metropolis while being environmentally conscience. Its rhizomatic design creates a walkable and universally accessible environment for pedestrians throughout the city. Extensive walkways, bike paths, and public transportation lower the need for vehicular movement.

A group project with Garrett Stritzel

Riparian: Text
Riparian: Pro Gallery
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